Free Online Information Sessions
Gain practical tips & insights with this informative taster session, so you can understand more about how the 6-step Kintsugi Healing approach can help you move through and recover well from tough times.
Gain practical tips & insights with this informative taster session, so you can understand more about how the 6-step Kintsugi Healing approach can help you move through and recover well from tough times.
Gain practical tips & insights with this informative taster session, so you can understand more about how the 6-step Kintsugi Healing approach can help you move through and recover well from tough times.
KH ‘Trauma Awareness Training’
Principles and strategies for delivering trauma informed services
KH CPD Accredited ‘Certificate in Trauma Integrated Practices’ (CTIP)
Trauma integration and whole nervous system recovery
‘Stepping into Hope’
Reconnecting to our joy and purpose
‘Finding your Ikigai’
Regaining perspective & finding enthusiasm for life